Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Time Flies...

...been awhile since I have posted anything. Where does the time go?!

Two weekends ago we got to get away in Austin for a few days. Thanks you Presidents Day! I always LOVE being with my kids. No making the beds...staying up late and eating yummy food! :)

Tom is traveling a lot again...sad face...a week in Rockville, MD...now in Miami, home for a week then two more weeks gone again. Just keeping my fingers crossed for a few weeks off for a family trip this summer.

One can always wish...  :)

Here are a few photos from our trip over to Lake Austin.

View from the condo we stayed in.

Some pretty houses all around us.

Texas trees...LOL

Josh & Jessica...ooops, let's try again!

Ahhhh...Hahahaha! Epic fail! :)

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  1. What a beautiful view! Cute kids. ;-)
    Love you all! ♥Tena

  2. Well, don't take your summer trip until after we get to Houston on June 1! Would love to catch a cup of coffee with you! :)

    1. Jacqi...you will be here for the school reunion right? Awesome! For sure we will get together.
      Message me your phone # through FB? and I will send mine to you. :)
